Finger Lakes

Otisco Lake

My account of my circumnavigation of Otisco Lake by kayak, while beset by winds and waves. A great learning experience. 3 down, 8 to go.

Honeoye Lake

Sorry, this isn’t a story of kayaking on a lake filled with honey. It is, however, a story of over-development and zebra mussels. My 2nd Finger Lake.

Canadice Lake

My Finger Lakes odyssey begins here. The smallest Finger Lake of all is possibly the most fairest of all. Forever wild, Canadice Lake provides the water that I drink.

Goal: Finger Lakes

The Finger Lakes are basins carved into the countryside of New York State by the glaciers’ heavy hand. My goal is to circumnavigate all of them by kayak. So far, 5 out of 11.